Intellectual Developmental Disorder (Intellectual Disability)
Intellectual Developmental Disorder (IDD) involves difficulty learning and functioning in everyday life as expected. This can vary among children. Children with Intellectual Disability might struggle to communicate their needs, take care of themselves, and learn at a slower pace than other kids their age. They might need more time to learn basic skills like speaking, walking, dressing, and eating on their own. Learning at school could also be challenging for them.
IDD is a “developmental disorder” because it begins before a child turns 18, and it can even be present before birth. It is caused by factors like injury, disease, or an issue in the brain. Some common known causes can even happen before birth, like Down Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and other genetic conditions. Others occur during birth or shortly after, while a few causes might appear when the child is older, such as stroke, head injury or certain infections.
Signs that indicate Intellectual Disability in children may include:
- Delay in sitting up, crawling, or walking
- Late or challenging speech development
- Trouble remembering things
- Difficulty grasping social norms
- Not understanding the outcomes of their actions
- Struggling to solve problems
At MindWise Psychological Services, our licensed clinical psychologists have received specialized training in the administration of standardized and objective cognitive and intelligence tests. These tests allow us to evaluate general cognitive and intellectual skills, including problem-solving, reasoning, working memory, and verbal and visual intelligence.
Below are some links to trusted resources that provide more information about Intellectual Disability.